Rhianna Martin

Creative photography does have some posed shots, but more relaxed and are taken on locations. I will be looking for exciting lighting and angles traditional style focuses on taking posed and natural shots of the person/s. You don't have to have any modelling experience to enjoy the types of photography Dundee Photographics can offer. Experience the fun and enjoyment from the photo-shoots. The results are fantastic. You can share your photographs with family and friends including the Social Media



[02/10/20]. Warm October sunshine across North East Scotland with temperatures reaching 17°C. Rhianna Martin sitting relaxed on a large rock at Wormit beach in Fife.

Rock-on Rhianna
Looking Blue
Rhianna Sitting On The Wormit Rock
Throwing Pebbles
Momentary Lapse of Laughter

Fife, Scotland, UK. 18th June, 2020. UK Weather: Warm sunny weather sweeping across North East Scotland. Rhianna Martin takes the day out to enjoy a photo-shoot along the Wormit beach in Fife County during the Covid-19 phase 2 relaxed lockdown

Cooling Off
Remote Viewing
Bondi Beach Paradise
Bondi Paradise
Hair 1 - "Out of Control"
Hair 2 - "Out of Control"










Rhianna Martin pays her first visit to the stunning new V&A building gracing the skyline from the Museum balcony on a very blustery day in Dundee 2018

Fashion At The V&A
à la mode en vue

Blonde beauty Rhianna Martin beside the fountain at Dundee City Square